
Saturday, June 9, 2012

In this world you will have trouble...

“I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

The Lord tells us that having trouble in this world isn’t a maybe. He tells us it’s a guarantee. No one welcomes a hard time, but we can have peace because we don’t have to face it alone.

Recently we have be faced with a troubling time. It has been heartbreaking, it has been very hard in so many different ways, BUT God has been with us every step of the way. God has showed himself mighty and faithful. God has worked miracles right before our eyes. He has done things that only He can do. There is no other explanation. God has answered a long standing prayer of mine that I have prayed and begged of God to answer for almost 4 years! Did you hear me? God answered a prayer that I have prayed for about 4 years!!!! God has given me a peace that what satan intended to harm us God has used for His good. God has drawn me and my family closer to Him during this trying time and I am so thankful. God has shaped and changed my very household forever and for that I am eternally grateful.

The trial is long from being over. We are only just beginning in many aspects. Instead of being discouraged or giving up and giving in to satan and his schemes, we are arming ourselves with God’s armour and battling side by side with our Savior.

God is good all the time! God has given me a story that I can boast about his goodness. I wish I could share all of it with you, but it is too personal for that. What I can share with you is the good news. For when we are weak He is strong. When life looks full of defeat God steps in (when we let Him) and He wins the victory! Thank you Jesus!

Can anyone relate to me? Has God done miraculous things in your life during a hard time in your life? Has God answered a prayer that you thought would never be answered? If so, I want to hear about it. I want to share and rejoice in God’s faithfulness in your life.

Can you relate, because you are going through a trial? Is God trying to teach you, mold you, or get your attention through a trial? Are you clinging to Jesus during a rough patch just trying to hold on? If so, I want to encourage you to keep holding on. Give it to God. Place it in His hands, moment by moment like we are continuing to do.

Thank you Lord for letting us cast our burdens on You. Thank you for giving us hope when it looked like we were surrounded by defeat. Thank you Lord for answered prayers. Thank you for giving me a story to boast about Your faithfulness and goodness. I’m placing this long journey in Your hands once again. I know that You are in control and I am trusting in You to see us through. I pray for others that are going through a trial. I pray that they seek You and trust You every step of the way. I pray that You comfort them and hold them and that You show them that you are in control and are working in the midst of this trial. In your precious name I pray. Amen.

“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that which Christ Jesus took hold of me...I press on towards the goad to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Phil: 3:12&14

1 comment:

  1. Katie,

    I have wept and wept over leaving Seminole. As the trials mounted here planting a new church I longed for the easier path back there. The dark periods grew darker by the day as I tried to tread the water of the trials. In the past month God has answered my prayers. He has given me a peace, spoken to me in profound ways, and settled my mind. Many times over the past eleven months I cried myself to sleep thinking of FBC Seminole, the revival, and the hunger for God's word in that church. He has given me joy and gladness. [Ps 40:16] We must press on in prayer as you did. Thank you for your testimony. Great is our God.
